Friday, October 1, 2021

Sheep Industry News and Recent Trends to Keep in Mind


western livestock news recent trends

If we look at the history of the sheep industry over the past decades, we’ll see that there was a sharp decline after WWII, when the industry was mostly focused on wool production. Surprisingly enough, this decline didn’t stop until the years of 2004 and 2005, when the industry finally began to improve again. It has since remained more or less on a stable arc of increase, and today there are more than and estimated 53 billion tons of red meat available in the entire industry.


These types of declines and the somewhat chaotic rises and reductions that can be observed in the industry today are some of the main reasons why the recent trends and industry news should be watched closely. For example, the industry has grown by about 1% since they ear 2015, but from 2018 to 2019, there was a slight drop in numbers so experts started predicting that another decline might start soon. Despite all that, the statistics show promising growth for 2019 and 2020, estimating that the sheep industry will keep remaining on a positive growth cycle in future years.


Another important trend to consider is the drastic shift from wool to meat production that has occurred in the past few years. No doubt inspired by an increased demand due to population increases throughout the country, this trend is likely to be here to stay. Stay tuned with all the latest and greatest western livestock news at

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